Name: Jesús Gonzalo


Phone: +34 91 624-9853

Fax: +34 91 6249329

Office:  15.1.15

Publications || Working Papers

Personal  + Old stuff      || Teaching ||  My Department   

RePEC  and citations in Google Scholar
RANKINGS of the Journal of Econometrics
Top 5% Authors REPEC

This web page can be found also in Chinesse 
(notice that there could be some mistakes...I am not very fluent in Chinesse yet).
Jesús Gonzalo  was born in El Burgo de Osma  (SORIA).  Do you want to hear las campanas de la catedral? Do you want to go?
B.A. from Universidad Complutense of Madrid and Ph.D. from University of California, San Diego (1991).
Sloan Ph.D. Fellowship (1990-91). Who's Who Among Students in American Universities (1991). Who's Who in the World (edition year 2000).
Ass. Professor in Boston University (1991-1996).
Full Professor, Economics Dept. UC3M (2003-...)
Associate Editor of  Journal of Applied Econometrics (2002-2006).
GlOBAL Research on: Econometrics, Time Series, Applied Macro and Finance, CLIMATE CHANGE, BIG DATA and PREDICTION
Particular Recent Research Interests: Climate Heterogeneity,  Quantile Factor Models, Persistence-Long Memory, Asymmetries-Non Linearities, Extremes, Bubbles, Permanent-Transitory issues, Trends.

University Carlos III de Madrid Research Award (1999-2024).

The Tallest econometrician (195 cm) playing goalkeeper and
maybe the guy who first ever ordered an "Ice-Capuchino" (Summer 1989, California) (w.c= who cares!!) (six years later Starbucks made it popular).

On the TOP 250 most cited Worldwide Economists in the 90´s (pdf).

TWO papers on the top 1% MOST CITED PAPERS in the world (up to Nov 2023)

SEVERAL nice RANKINGS of the Journal of Econometrics.

Distinguished Visitor U. California, Riverside.

In WHO'S WHO in ECONOMICS (4th Edition, 2003, edited by Mark Blaug).

Fellow of the Journal of Econometrics (2014-....),  the best journal in Econometrics (remember that Economics without Econometrics is a coffee talk)

Fellow of the International Association for Applied Econometrics   (2019 - .....)

And the NOBEL 2003 goes ...... to ..... Clive and Rob  (report and video
and an EXCLUSIVE PICTURE (guess who did not win the Nobel)

Believe it or not I have been CHAIRMAN of the ECON DEPT (2010-2012)

2024 RANKING of Departments in ECONOMICS-ECONOMETRICS ......61th in the World...not bad ehhhhh

Video explaining CLIMATE CHANGE to Elementary and Secondary School students.

(please let me know it if you have any problems downloading any of them!!!) [
More Stuff in RePEC  and citations in Google Scholar]
(Recent financial support from the Spanish MICINN-AEI under grants PID2019-104960GB-I00 and TED2021-129784B-I00 is gratefully acknowledged)
+ Working Papers