Masters in Economics: Microeconomics II

This website provides information, materials, and references useful to prepare the course.

DESCRIPTION: This course studies market equilibrium and market failure in competitive economies, and provides an introduction to the economics of information.

INSTRUCTOR: Diego Moreno (office: 15.2.41; office hours: Thursdays 14:30-16:00)

Intermediate Microeconomics: An Intuitive Approach with Calculus, by Thomas Nechyba, Cengage Learning.
R. Serrano and M. Feldman: A Short Course in Intermediate Microeconomics with Calculus, Cambridge UP. (SF)
I. Macho and D. Perez-Castrillo: An Introduction to the Economics of Information, Oxford UP 2001. (MP)

   A. Mas-Colell, M. Whiston, J. Green: Microeconomic Theory, Oxford UP 1995. (MWG)
   G. Jehle and P. Reny: Advanced Microeconomic Theory, Pearson 2011. (JR)
   R. Gibbons: A premier in Game Theory, Prentice Hall 1992. (G)

1. Time and Uncertainty in Competitive Economies. (SF 15-16, MWG 19-20, JR 5)
2. Market Failure: market power, externalities, public goods, asymmetric information. (SF 17-18,  JR 9, MWG 10-13)
3. Introduction to the Economics of Information. (MP 2-5)

GRADING: The course grade will be calculated on the basis of the grades obtained in a midterm exam (ME) and in the (ordinary or extraordinary) comprehensive final exam (FE) according to the formula: 

    max{(1/3)*ME+(2/3)*FE, FE}.

Midterm Exam: March 19 (4-7 pm)
Final Exam (ordinary): May 22 (4-7 pm)
Final Exam (extraordinary): June 19 (4-7 pm)

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