Frequently Asked Questions on Admissions

1. Where can I get further information?

For further information please check our information page about our graduate program and the current Student’s Guide . If you have any further questions you can contact us by email at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , although we appreciate that you first check the information available in our webpages first.

2. Who HAS to send the letters of presentation?

Letters of presentation must be sent by the referees to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , using the electronic format that can be downloaded at tap “Admission”. Letters sent directly by candidates will NOT be accepted.

Referees will get a confirmation email within approximately one week after receiving their letters of presentation. They can thus inform you of whether their letter of presentation arrived safetely.

Unless otherwise specified, no other document will be sent by email. Applicants will upload their documents onto the Application Platform.

3. Which documents do I have to translate and legalize?

Legalized documents are only required after a formal offered has been made and a prerequisite to register. The particular requirements depend on the country where you got your Bachelor’s degree:

If the student has a European Bacherlor’s degree, or belonging to the EHEA, there are two possible options:

  • Certified copy of your Bachelor’s degree and Transcripts together with a certified OFFICIAL translation of both documents into Spanish.
  • SET (suplemento europeo al título) or Diploma Supplement. Student may provide a copy of the Diploma and a copy of the Diiploma Supplement (both copies must be certified at the Registrar’s office here on campus, or at any Spanish Embassy). If the Diploma Supplement is provided, you do not need to legalize, nor translate them. THIS IS THE EASIEST OPTION FOR STUDENTS.

Students from outside the European Union, have to provide:

  • All the documents must be legalized and translatied when admitted to the Master.
  • Certified copy of your Bachelor’s degree and Transcripts together with a certified OFFICIAL translation of both documents into Spanish. Letter from your previous University certifying that you would be eligible in that University for postgraduate studies.

More information about Legalizations and Official Translations

4. Financial Aid / Funding

In order to apply for Financial Aid you will just have to select the corresponding option within the Application form. No other document concerning financial aid will be requested during these first steps. If you are finally admitted, you will be contacted for further documents.

5. Are GRE and TOEFL equivalent?

Absolutely NOT. Although both exams are taken in English, TOEFL measures only language skills, whereas GRE also includes quantitative reasoning.

6. Is GRE mandatory requirement to apply?

GRE is not mandatory, but strongly recommended. As part of the evaluation process for the applications, GRE score provides additional information about quantitvative skills of the applicants.

7. Who does not need to submit the TOEFL score?

Students who have taken their Bachelor’s degree and/or their Master Program in English or anyone who can provide any other OFFICIAL evidence of their knowledge of English.

8. When will I receive news of my admission?

All the applicants will receive an informative email in 20 days after the last deadline (20th June). Successful applicants usually receive offers within 20 days after their corresponding deadline.

Unsuccessful applicants in one round will be considered automatically for the next round.

9. Why are there two application deadlines?

We make admission offers in the 25 days after each of the corresponding deadlines. Students who do not receive an offer and whose application is not explicitly rejected are automatically considered in the next application deadline. Students are strongly encouraged to apply early as we do not commit to keep available places in later deadlines.

10. Will I receive financial aid if accepted?

We usually admit students with financial aid in the form of a tuition waiver and a monthly stipend of between 900-1.150€ gross. Continuing financial aid is subject to satisfactory academic progress.

11. When taking the TOEFL and GRE, what is the UC3M code?

When you take the TOEFL and GRE exam you may specify the university where you want your results to be sent. For that purpose, you have to inform both the University code (4197, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) and the Department code (84, Economics). In any case, in order to avoid any possible delay receiving the results by postal mail, we strongly advise you to also upload a scanned copy of your results on the application system.













Postal Address:
U.Carlos III de Madrid
Calle Madrid 126 28903
Getafe (Spain)


(34) 91 624 95 94
(34) 91 624 96 45
(34) 91 624 96 01

(34) 91 624 93 29


maria maet



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