new; cls; library pgraph; /* This program computes the order of summability estimator and its corresponding subsampling confidence intervals. The partial demeaning case that considers the presence of a constant term is considered. */ /* Load or Generate Data */ load fedfunds[682,1]=C:\Users\Vanessa\Dropbox\Vanessa\GaussV\PhD\data\taylorrule\fedfunds.txt; z0t=fedfunds; T=rows(z0t); b=int(sqrt(T))+1; /* Deterministics */ /* Constant Case: Partial Demeaning */ zt=zeros(T,1); van=1; do until van>T; zt[van]=z0t[van]-(sumc(z0t[1:van])/van); van=van+1; endo; zt=zt[2:T]; T=rows(zt); b=int(sqrt(T))+ 1; /* Estimator of the Full Sample */ xdtn=ln(seqa(1,1,T)); ydtn=ln(cumsumc(zt).^2); ydtn=ydtn-ydtn[1]; bmcon=inv(xdtn'*xdtn)*(xdtn'*ydtn); "Full Sample Estimator"; "beta=";bmcon; "delta=";(bmcon-1)/2; ?; /******* Subsampling samples generator *******/ numsubsam=T-b+1; subsamples=zeros(b,T-b+1); i=1; do while i <= T-b+1; subsamples[.,i]=zt[i:b+i-1]; i=i+1; endo; /*** Subsamples Estimation ***/ Nn=cols(subsamples); bmco=zeros(Nn,1); j=1; do until j>Nn; xt=ln(seqa(1,1,b)); yt=ln(cumsumc(subsamples[.,j]).^2); yt=yt-yt[1]; bmcosub=inv(xt'*xt)*(xt'*yt); bmco[j]=ln(b)*(abs(bmcosub-bmcon)); j=j+1; endo; /*** Empirical CDF ***/ {y,c}=pempiric(bmco); /*** Critical Values ***/ alphasig=0.05; confidence=1-alphasig; confivector=ones(rows(c),1).*confidence; difconfic=abs(c-confivector); position=minindc(difconfic); cnb1malphahalph=y[position,1]; /*** Confidence Intervals ***/ Ilow=bmcon-((1/ln(T))*cnb1malphahalph); Iup=bmcon+((1/ln(T))*cnb1malphahalph); "Subsampling Interval"; "betas="; Ilow~Iup; "deltas="; ((Ilow-1)/2)~((Iup-1)/2); /* ** empiric.src ** ** Version 1.0 16/05/2000 (C) Copyright 2000 by Rainer Schlittgen ** All rights Reserved. ** ** Frequencies, empirical cumulative distribution function ** Use the GAUSS procedure QUANTILE for the inverse empirical cdf ** ** Format ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ** {y,f} = dempiric(x) ** {y,c} = pempiric(x) ** ** Input ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ** x...(k,m)-matrix of observed (univariate) values ** ** Output ** ------------------------------------------------------------------- ** y...(n,1)-vector, of ordered distinct values in x ** f...(n,1)-vector, of rel. frequencies at y ** c...(n,1)-vector, of cumulated rel. frequencies at y ** **********************************************************************/ proc (2) = dempiric(x); local f,y; x = VEC(x); y = SORTC(UNIQUE(x,1),1); f = COUNTS(x,y)/ROWS(x); retp(y,f); endp; /*********************************************************************/ proc (2) = pempiric(x); local c,y; {y,c}=dempiric(x); retp(y,CUMSUMC(c)); endp; /*********************************************************************/